Startup Advisory

Entrepreneurs often face exceptional challenges when starting and growing their businesses. In addition to the traditional obstacles of accessing capital, recruiting talent, and building a customer base, they often contend with gender bias, market discrimination, and a lack of role models.

Understanding the rapidly growing need for support programs focusing on established female business leaders, as well as new entrepreneurs, INSTA Startups provides profitable insights on everything from marketing and sales to finance and management.

The importance of an abetting community to entrepreneurial success cannot be overstated. Therefore, we designed our one-on-one coaching and mentoring programs for women entrepreneurs, who need more than just encouragement. Which includes

  • Developing strategies and business models, financial forecasts, and market research
  • Investment pathways
  • Leadership training
  • Mentorship on work/life balance
  • Networking opportunities
  • Navigating the challenges of running a business in today’s economy
  • Investing in the development of women entrepreneurs
  • Creating an environment that is more supportive of better-equipped female business leaders.
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